Friday, January 2, 2009
Synopsis :
Balajeet Roy had all that he ever wanted in life – a promising future, a beautiful wife and a new life in a city that had always fascinated him – Bangkok. Little did he realize that all this was just too good to be true. It all started soon after he and Nisha had just about settled down in Bangkok. A little after they had come to terms with its culture, pace of life and, of course, the trouble to find decent Indian vegetarian food. That day, Bala was painting the jetty of their beautiful villa. Nisha had just learnt that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, the thrill of sharing the good news with her husband was short-lived. Because she would never see him again. Because somebody locked him up for 14 years in a dark and dingy room. For no apparent reason. In that time, Bala went from civilized human to savage animal. His only preoccupation being watching television, obsessing over who's holding him captive and turning his body into a fighting machine of sorts. So that he could settle scores with those responsible for his situation. And then, one fine day, he found himself set free. Over the next 4 days, as Bala seeks out the truth behind his captivity through the streets and waterways of Bangkok, he slowly realizes that his freedom was part of an even more sinister design.
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