Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Romantic Esha calls up FM Radio's DJ, Bingo, to find out the identity of a young man, who had called during his program. While Bingo is unable to identify him, the young man, Rahul Sharma, does call, and Bingo arranges a meeting between the two of them. Esha is unable to keep this appointment, but Rahul does so. Esha then decides to correspond with him via a post box numbered address, without disclosing her name, to which Rahul agrees, and he also arranges for a numbered postal address, and does not disclose his identity. Rahul has a close friend named Akshaye, who is a womanizer. Akshaye's mom asks Rahul to check out a girl for Akshaye, and Rahul does so. Rahul goes to check this young lady, and meets Esha Malhotra. Rahul informs Akshaye that he finds Esha suitable for him, and subsequently Akshaye meets with Esha, and soon marriage preparations are underway. It is then Rahul finds out that the girl he has been corresponding with is Esha, but will not come between his friend's happiness and to-be bride.
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